Social Work and Social Policy in Cuba

Cuba is developing new policy and programs to respond to their particular social problems. The following reports describe some of these efforts.

"Social Work Development and Practice in Cuba and in the U.S."
[Prepared by CAAEF]
This report describes the work of three Cuban professors involved in starting new social work programs. The tour started in Washington, DC, but because of the traumatic and tragic events of September 11th, 2001, it had to be shortened.
New Directions in Cuban Social Work Education: What Can We Learn?
There is a (Spanish version).
This report describes the new Social Work initiatives in Cuba and was published in Social Work Today, Sept. 2, 2002.

CUBA Social Policy at the Crossroads: Maintaining Priorities, Transforming Practice - Español

November 1, 2002
  An excellent, detailed article on social policy in Cuba, written for Oxfam by Miren Uriarte, Ph.D. You can go to Oxfam America and there view or download a copy in PDF format. [On this site in English & Español]
4. Cuba is bringing their youth social worker program to South Africa.  

Cuba's inovative training program empowering youths in their communities, is based on a rapid 12-month combination of formal university training and community practice. Now Cuba will show this valuable experience can be replicated in other counties . Caribbean Net News, September 5, 2007


5. Photos of Cuba 2002 and 2003:   
  Taken in and around Havana, Cuba by W. Teague. Recent targeting of Cuba by the Bush administration is discussed at  
There are many good links to information on Cuba. One of the newest is a site that shows Cuban TV:
Cuba Information TV! NEW
Cuban TV! This new site has shows and news from Cuban TV and assorted documentaries. In Spanish of course, but even if you don't understand Spanish, you will get an excellent view of TV and contemporary documentaries in Cuba. For example, here are some selections. Lots of surprises!:

Popular Selections include video, news and information:

  • Are there elections in Cuba?
  • Are Cuban's escaping from their country?
  • Who in the world is trying to manipulate Cuba/Venezuela relations?
  • The new undersea cable from Cuba to Venezuela
  • Free software in Cuba
  • Humor, Music, Dance, etc......
"The Dissidents" Published in Cuba in Spanish and English, this book covers the details and documents on the so called "Dissidents" that worked literally in the pay of the US Interests Section to help overthrow the Cuban revolution. This page is in preparation, but the text is readable.    

If you are interested in joining an email list of social workers and others interested in these new social work initiatives in Cuba and in promoting better relations between social workers in the two countries, you can subscribe below.

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Walter Teague, LICSW, LCSW-C - Page
Updated: 06/15/2008