Subject:    Lobbying, letters, meeting of Peace & Justice Coalition

   Date:      Mon, 15 Apr 2002 11:31:11 -0400

   From:     “Lucy Duff” <>


To members and friends of Peace & Justice Coalition, Prince George’s County

Please  join us in a lobbying visit on Capitol Hill  on April 22.  We’ll be rubbing elbows with many activists who have come from around the country  for the April 20 mobilization will stay to urge non-violence and justice to their Congressional representatives. 

So far our delegation is scheduled to meet with Congressman Wynn’s aide for international relations on the 22nd at 11 am,  at 434 Cannon House Office Building (Independence Ave. near Capitol South metro station).   We have asked for a similar appointment with Mr. Hoyer’s aide that morning, and are trying to arrange meetings sometime next week with aides for Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski.   We plan to raise the issues of  resolving the Middle East conflict, generally relying more on United Nations auspices for peacemaking, and nuclear weapons control.  

Please feel free to suggest another topic or two.  If you can come, reply to this e-mail or call me or Esther Webb  (301) 474-6890;  we will let you know about any other of the would-be appointments that materialize. 

Whether or not you can join us, please help us get the peace and justice message out to fellow county residents by writing the editor of the Prince George’s Journal (

All are welcome at our monthly meeting, Tuesday, April 23, 7:30 pm, at the home of Bert Donn, 19 Woodland Way, Greenbelt (off Northway, one block north of its intersection with Crescent Rd.).

A reminder:  we will still welcome responses to our Coalition issues ballot and invitation to become organizational members.
