The Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative is a non-profit corporation  

with funding provided by the Abell Foundation, the Blaustein Foundation, the Casey Foundation, the Fund for Change, the Kreiger Fund, The Open Society Institute, the Straus Foundation, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation


New fiscal



News and Events

We now have over 684 organizations signed on to Health Care for All.  Go to Supporting Organizations for the complete list.  Sign on your organization by clicking on Join Us.

Click here for the results of the fiscal analysis conducted

by The Lewin Group. The report offers good news for

the health of Marylanders.

Health Care for All can be a reality in Maryland!

Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an
obligation for society to ensure that every person be able to realize this right.

Cardinal Joseph Bernadin, Chicago

Nationally, the number of uninsured and underinsured is
growing at an alarming rate with a staggering 44.3 million
people without coverage in 1998. Last year our state
experienced the third largest increase in the number of
uninsured with over 835,000 Marylanders without health
coverage - one out of six in our own state. Of the
hundreds of thousands without coverage, 100,000 are
our children.



Health Care For All

Maryland Citizen's 

Health Initiative

2600 Saint Paul Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21218

Telephone: 410-235-9000

Fax: 410-235-8963

          Click Here

           E-mail us


Disgraceful? Yes. Insurmountable? No.

We are at the crossroads of an historic opportunity
to transform Maryland's health care system and
provide comprehensive coverage for all of our
citizens. The eyes of many around the country are
on Maryland.

Join the Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative in our
efforts to guarantee quality, affordable Health Care 

For All Marylanders.


             The time is now. The place is here.


Our goal in 2000 is to increase the network of stakeholders and supporting
organizations and create a forum for educating Maryland citizens about the
uninsured in our state. Sign our Declaration of Health Care Independence
and join in Maryland's health care transformation.

We plan to sign "2000 by 2002".


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Web site last updated on June 26, 2000
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