CCC Minutes 6/24/09

Attending: Steve, David, Walter, Meta, Marian

We reviewed the Draft Agenda.

Agreed that Steve and Meta will be the 2 workshop moderators.

While there will be some re-writing and clarifications, we basically agreed to the themes and goals of the workshop

Under Section 2 Presenters and Themes;
a. Climate Change, the current science. Meta will attempt to use a web site that allows users to enter climate change factors and see the long term results. She will also use a power point presentation that David is preparing.
b. Current status... We will seek to see if Ted can present this or if some of the other nominees can.
c. Nongovernmental... Again, we will ask Ted and others.
d. Eco-socialism. Steve will present

David suggested we incorporate his observation that environmental responders tend to divide into three categories; 1. Deniers, 2. Adapters and 3. Preventers.

The suggested Goals will be re-written to include we aim to assist CCDS and others. The goal of seeking common cause and understanding aims at both CCDS and with others. And that while goal d., part (2) recognizes the need for a global plan to succeed, our focus will be primarily on our responsibility to address the particular role of the US in providing leadership.

We agreed to post draft and resource materials for the workshop on line. [Here and on the EC-CCDS list site.

Finally, we agreed to another conference call on 7/8/09 and will seek to include other participants.
